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Jul 15, 2021
The Automated Writing Assistance Landscape in 2021
Automated writing assistance — a category that encompasses a variety of computer-based tools that help with writing — has been around in...

Dec 8, 2020
GPT-3: What’s it good for?
GPT-3 made the mainstream media headlines this year, generating far more interest than we’d normally expect of a technical advance in...

Jun 7, 2020
Natural Language Generation: The Commercial State of the Art in 2020
It took a while, but natural language generation is now an established commercial software category. It’s commented upon frequently in...

Dec 31, 2019
Voice Assistance in 2019
The end of the calendar year always seems like a good time to pause for breath and reflect on what’s been happening over the last 12...

Sep 26, 2019
Five Tips for a Successful API
It’s now remarkably easy to release to the world a cloud-based application programming interface (API) that provides some software...

May 21, 2019
NLP commercialization in the last 25 years
The Natural Language Engineering journal is now in its 25th year. The editorial preface to the first issue back in 1995 emphasized that...

Dec 15, 2018
Law and Word Order: NLP in Legal Tech
The law has language at its heart, so it’s not surprising that software that operates on natural language has played a role in some areas...

Aug 29, 2018
Text Analytics APIs, Part 2: The Smaller Players
It seems like there’s yet another cloud-based text analytics Application Programming Interface (API) on the market every few weeks. If...

Mar 23, 2018
Text Analytics APIs, Part 1: The Bigger Players
If you’re in the market for an off-the-shelf text analytics API, you have a lot of options. You can choose to go with a major player in...

Oct 28, 2017
The Pros and Cons of Listening Devices
Vastly improved speech recognition, backed by a more slowly improving ability to make sense of the recognised speech, has brought...

Feb 4, 2017
NLP in a Post-Truth World
We live in a post-truth world. It now matters more whether people think something is true than whether something really is true. This is...

Nov 23, 2016
The Return of the Chatbots
By all accounts, 2016 is the year of the chatbot. Some commentators take the view that chatbot technology will be so disruptive that it...
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